Direct Access Barristers
You can work directly with a barrister who has the authorisation to accept instructions from members of the public. You can also work with a direct access barrister if you have a solicitor, provided you have discussed it with them, first.
Barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
The Solicitor-Barrister Route
If you need someone to have conduct of your case and be responsible for corresponding with the court and other parties, you will either need to instruct a solicitor or a barrister who can conduct litigation. Instructing a solicitor who, in turn, instructs a barrister, is the traditional route.
When you need legal help, we can sort it.
Every court in England and Wales and almost every area of law.
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ShenSmith Barristers fully supports the new transparency standards set by the Bar Standards Board (BSB). These help you find all the information you need before engaging the services of a barrister.
Quick links:
Public Access Guidance for Lay Clients
Terms of Business
Fees and Timescales
Practice Areas