What happens when money is not enough?

In some cases, Money is not enough to settle a dispute. What happens when the dispute is beyond money? What if the dispute is about the detriment to business.

When an employer is concerned about an employee exiting the company. Will the employee be sharing company secrets? Setting up his own shop? These are serious concerns. Initial advice from a barrister will provide you with the answers. How to get advice? The advice can be provided by telephone, in person or in writing.

The first concern for some will be the agreement between the employer and employee. The contract.

This is where a company barrister will provide you with insight into preparing a firm contract which suites the needs of your company. What exit policies do you have? When a new employee joins your company, have they accepted the terms of your company contract?

There are disputes, where a person is possibly going to take all your clients details and business secrets. Effectively replicate your company. Immediate advice will need to be sought. A company barrister will do a full assessment and provide you with their legal opinion.

What happens when the employee has been poaching clients whilst setting up their new company?

This is where a company barrister will give you guidance. There are laws in place to assist and protect employers in your situation. The biggest questions will be what can you do about this? How can you do something about this? Having a conference with a barrister will help relieve some of the burning questions you will have.

What happens when a person is selling a replica of your product?

This could affect the business. People may believe it is your product. People may believe the product quality has decreased.

The public appearance will start decrease in value. Customers may mistake the product for your own. Will the damage caused be solved by monetary funds? How much deficit would have been incurred? How much will have to be spent to repair public relations?

The entire value of this will need to be reviewed. If this much detriment has occurred it is essential to have the merits of what you’re claiming to be validated. Once this has been done a barrister will be able to draft the necessary claim and the particulars of claim. With this initial step, the barrister will be able to take this matter to a conclusion.

Money is not enough

When money is not enough, sometimes an injunction is needed to prevent the behaviour of others. Especially if the damages cannot be assessed, or if the best course of action is prevention.

Damages will be assesed but other measures could be taken once you have discussed in conference with a barrister. Seeking advice will clear up your position. This will allow a barrister to guide you to a solution.